The dad of three delightful young men on his Instagram page flaunted his beautiful spouse and indicated that she’s his Sovereign.

“Genuinely, next to Each Effective Man, There is a lady … The Ruler And His Sovereign… ..I boast in an unexpected way. Single word for them,” he subtitled his Instagram post.

Jnr Pope had before responded to the viral video of a young woman who said she is prepared to leave her place of employment as a POS specialist following a late evening doing prostitution and got an incredible amount of N50,000.

The woman had turned into a web sensation after she made a TikTok video guaranteeing her most memorable time as an Escort got her N50,000 while she had been functioning as a POS chaperon for a long time, yet she hasn’t gotten a such tremendous measure of cash.

In response to this, JnrPope uncovered that he is fed up with this age since we have lost our qualities and respect.

He expressed: “How am I part of this age? Values lost.”

What’s more, JnrPope half a month prior cried over what the fresh insight about Yul Edochie’s subsequent marriage meant for his.

Yul Edochie had before posted the fresh insight about a subsequent spouse, Judy Austin close by a child, Star Embankment Munachimso Yul Edochie who the two of them invited a year ago.

The news evoked shifting responses from one and all with some lauding him while others slammed him hardheartedly.

— Pelumi 🇳🇬🇱🇷 (@oluwaa_pelumi) January 12, 2022

Presently moaning about the impact of Yul’s choice on his marriage, JnrPope expressed his better half has unexpectedly become dubious of him.

As indicated by the dad of three, following the news, his significant other Jennifer Awele has started exploring and profiling him.

He said he has consoled her that he would perpetually stay devoted to her as theirs is for better, in negative ways.