Zubaydah was caught in Pakistan in March 2002 and has invested most of his energy in US bondage, remembering four and a half years for the CIA’s mysterious jail organization (CIA).


Abu Zubaydah is a Saudi Arabian who is being detained at the Guantanamo Bay confinement camp in Cuba by the United States. Zubaydah eventually got dynamic in the Khalden instructional course, a jihadist preparing office where he controlled the progression of enlisted people.

Just as gotten visas and records for warriors moving out. On March 28, 2002, CIA and FBI officials raged various safe homes in Pakistan to seek after Zubaydah as a team with Pakistani knowledge.

Zubaydah was trapped in Faisalabad, Pakistan, at one of the expected safe houses. He was moved between correctional facilities in various nations, remembering a year for Poland as a piece of the US unprecedented interpretation program,

Zubaydah was tormented harshly while in CIA authority, being waterboarded multiple times. He has been confronting an assortment of extra techniques like constrained nakedness, lack of sleep, refusal of strong suppers, stress stances, and actual assaults.

Zubaydah’s cross examinations were recorded on tape, which the CIA obliterated in 2005. Abu Zubaydah is presently 50 years of age. The fear monger was born on March 12, in the year 1971.

They had eight kin, as per his more youthful brother Hesham.Hesham rev iews his more seasoned brother as “a joyful individual who was somewhat of a womanizer.” Zubaydah was born in Saudi Arabia and went toward the West Bank as a young person, where he partook in Palestinian enemy of Israel fights.

Prior to his flight to Afghanistan/Pakistan at 20 years old, Zubaydah has studied software engineering in Mysore, India. He joined the mujahideen in the Afghan common conflict, potentially under Mohamad Kamal Elzahabi.

In September 2006, Zubaydah and eleven other “high-esteem detainees” were moved to Guantanamo. As per late reports, the fear based oppressor is as yet in Guantanamo.

— ProPublica (@propublica) October 4, 2021

He and other previous CIA hostages are housed in Camp 7, with the most disengaging conditions. Zubaydah said the CIA informed him that he was not vital at his Combatant Status Review Tribunal in 2007.

The European Court of Human Rights requested Poland to pay Zubaydah €100,000 in harms on July 24, 2014. He was additionally given €30,000 to pay his costs. In 2002–2003, Poland helped the US by permitting the CIA to keep and torment Zubaydah on its dirt.

Zubaydah expressed that he would give the whole €100,000 in harms to torment casualties through his US attorney. Zubaydah’s advice is Joseph Margulies.