West Tennessee Local Scientific Center in Memphis tracked down that Eliza Fletcher, 34, died of a discharge twisted to the rear of the head, and she likewise endured jaw cracks and gruff power wounds to her right leg, as per the Related Press. WTRFC didn’t promptly answer Individuals’ solicitation for input.


Fletcher, a mother of two, was stole off the roads of Memphis on Friday, Sept. 2 during her morning run and constrained into the rear of a dull SUV.

Cleotha Abston Henderson, 38, was captured two days after the fact and accused of particularly disturbed hijacking and messing with proof corresponding to Fletcher’s vanishing, after Abston Henderson’s DNA was supposedly tracked down on a couple of shoes at the scene, as per Memphis Police Division.

Police say Abston Henderson was seen on observation film cleaning a GMC Landscape SUV for over an hour after he purportedly utilized the vehicle to grab Fletcher.

His brother Mario likewise supposedly told police he was “washing his garments in the sink of the house” and “acting exceptionally bizarre.”

Fletcher’s body was tracked down the following day, seven miles from where other observation video showed she was taken.

Abston Henderson’s charges were in this manner moved up to first-degree murder and first-degree murder in execution of capturing, police declared.

Abston Henderson has not yet made a request. His public safeguard recently didn’t answer Individuals’ solicitation for input for his benefit.

— Moll Rob (@MollRob1) September 30, 2022