The police group was looking for the dad and the little girls. As of not long ago, they were totally tracked down dead alongside Robert’s friend.

The case has taken a turn after their expire. A great deal of inquiries connected to this examination have stayed unanswered.

Aaminah Vicosa is the six-year-old girl of Robert Vicosa, a.k.a, Robert Brown. She along with her sister, Giana Vicosa of 7-year-old was stole by her dad.

Since her capturing, the police have looked for the youngsters, yet presently their inquiry has been finished. Aamniah, her sister Giana, her dad Robert, and his assistant Tia were completely tracked down dead on a scene.

Little Aaminah, who, just began to find out with regards to the world, lost her life at such a youthful age. The kid was appealling with a wonderful character.

No one would realize something like this would happen to the helpless young lady. Individuals have been appealing to God for the kids’ spirits as of now.

Robert was known for working in the Baltimore County Police Department along with his associate Bynum. They have served the division of criminal examination during their season of work.

Nonetheless, Robert got terminated, and Bynum got suspended, taking all their police power. As of now, the explanation for Robert grabbing his little girls has stayed obscure.

With the dad establishing dead with the little girl, the entire thing has become more muddled than previously.

According to the Maryland State Police Information Officer, they tracked down the vehicle of four individuals with shots. Nonetheless, as the case is as yet being scrutinized, the personality of the people has been kept covered.

— abc27 News (@abc27News) November 18, 2021

Aaminah Vicosa’s mom argued for the protected return of the young ladies when Robert captured them. The personality of her mother is yet to uncover right now.

According to her protest, Vicosa gunpoint his better half for a considerable length of time and enamored her. Until further notice, we don’t know how the mother is adapting up to all the overwhelming news.

She is presently grieving for her little girl’s dying. Simultaneously, the police group is researching the case further, wanting to track down more pieces of information.