Aaero is neither of these games – actually, it’s both of them…but better.

During both EGX 2015, and EGX 2016 I played Aaero, and it appeared in my games of the show for 2015, as well as Emma Spalding’s for 2016.With all the sounds of music I hate, Aaero is the single most interesting game I’ve seen in the past few years – other than Superhot, which is the most innovative shooter I’ve played in a long time.

Following the music line in this game makes you feel like you are playing the music. (Or in the case of vocal tracks singing the song.) I suspect it’s a response to the act of following the line, the physical sensation of moving the stick, and the way you have to bob of weave throw the track that gives the feeling. I don’t even like the music in Aaero, but the setting of the game is so engaging that I simply don’t care.

All in all, it works perfectly. And I cannot wait for Aaero to come out.

While there is no release date for Aaero as of yet, it has gone into certification with Microsoft. So it won’t be long until we have it in our hands. But for now, I will leave you with the sounds of Aaero:

What do you think? Are you as intrigued with this rhythm game as I am? Let me know down in the comments!