A spiral staircase cost about $600 up to $20,000, depending on the specifications. They are available at very reasonable prices as mentioned above and in different lengths. 

The Cost Of Spiral Staircase

At the time when people are making decisions in spiral staircases, what usually comes to their mind is the issue of price; they keep asking themselves how much it costs. It should be noted that are mostly, spiral staircases are associated with the luxurious and expensive environments or places. However, some different designs and specifications suit a variety of spaces. 

The Price Of Spiral Staircase

Spiral staircases prices start from a very low price to a high price. the prices start from as low 

as $600 through $100,000, from $600 to $20,000.

Factors That Determine The Price Of A Spiral Staircase

Two indicators determine the cost of a spiral staircase. The factors are size, material to be used, and the spiral stair design. Size plays a very important role because it determines the amount and quantity of materials to be used. For example, a small spiral staircase with a diameter (of 3’6”) cost about $600 in some companies. The design of such a staircase is simple and not flashy. It has no additional design options. 

 On the other hand, there are larger and bigger spiral staircases that are three stories. For instance, the big spiral staircase which reaches up to three stories may cost up to $20,000. The price may also change if the size becomes bigger or smaller.

From another source, it is confirmed that staircases vary based on size. Below is a description and price of spiral staircases based on their sizes.

Loft spiral 1400mm diameter steel treads – £1000Loft spiral 1400mm diameter beech treads – £1500 Main spiral 1800mm diameter steel treads – £5sizeMain spiral 1800mm diameter beech treads – £6000 

Types Of Spiral Staircases

Concrete spiral staircase

This type of staircase beautifies a space by making it looks modern. In its construction, a column is not essential, but it can be used. This form of spiral staircase costs about $2,000 upward, the price changes bases on the size of the staircase.

Steel spiral staircase

A recent survey reveals that the spiral staircase which is made of steel is one of the most demanded spiral staircases in the world. This type of staircase can be used indoors and outdoors and it costs $3,000. However, a small one with little decoration may cost less than the stated amount.

Wood Spiral Stairs

The wooden spiral stair can be used in both residential and commercial settings. If a person wants, the company may provide ready-made materials to come and install it. It’s cheaper than the glass spiral staircase.

Spiral Glass Stairs

The spiral glass stair has a central steel column and glass threads connected around it. The treads can be round or angular or adjusted according to the wall shape. 

What Is The Shopping Cost Of Staircase Materials?

The shipping cost of spiral staircase materials depends on the agreement made with the seller. For instance, the seller might include the shipping fee together with the cost of the material. Sometimes, the company that installs or constructs the staircase is the one that buys the materials; in this case, the cost of shipping is not even discussed because the company will surely include the shipping fee in the cost of material or their service fee. Therefore, when a person is requesting a spiral staircase construction, he should discuss with the contractors all charges regarding the work even before it the work starts. This will bring about transparency and trust in the business because both the customer and the company will be happy and content with the business relationship.


The spiral staircase is one of the modern types of staircases used around the world. It is used in both residential and commercial settings. This type of staircase costs s minimum of $600 through $10,000 or more. The price or cost of the staircase is determined by some factors. These include the size of the staircase, the material to be used, either glass, wood, or steel, and the type of finishing to be done also determines the price.